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Travel with Skye Lourie

Updated: Jul 13, 2020

Wild Camping // Cold Swimming // Foraging For Dinner

Skye is an amazing actress, a totally engaging writer and a chef (although we are yet to try her food, we are sure it's equally fabulous!). She lives in London and when not restricted by lockdown spends most of her time escaping London and seeking out hidden gems as she loves to be surrounded by wilderness and nature. 

So there was no one better to ask for their tips on where to go to truly escape!


Barga, Italy

There is a little town called Barga in northern Tuscany near where my parents live, it’s a walled town, very medieval, they have a big jazz festival for two weeks over the summer where loads of jazz bands set up in all the tiny piazzas and play all night, you walk through and it’s so magical. My parents know everyone there and it’s so fun catching up with all the artists and musicians. 

Isle of Lewis, Scotland

There is a place at the top of the Isle of Lewis called Uig Lodge, a traditional lodge hotel that looks like a haunted mansion, you share a meal with all the other guests around a huge table and there is a big fire and an honesty bar… we met many a strange folk and felt like we were in a game of Cluedo! but the views were idyllic and I wouldn’t change that dinner party for the world, god we laughed for days!

Abel Tasman National Park, New Zealand

A beach at the top of the Abel Tasman called Mutton Cove, this is heaven on earth, of all the places in New Zealand, it has something so special about it. Imagine dark orange sand, blue green water and the biggest pine tree growing on the beach, it rained for the night we went (my birthday) but that somehow made it even more magical. 


Babette, London

Babette in Nunhead (London) - Sharing boards and a neighbourhood feel, run by the best most crazy incredible artistic French woman (Babette) who swans from table to table sharing stories from long ago! Magical!

The Ivy House Pub, London

The Ivy House pub Nunhead (London) a community run pub that has incredible old stage at the back, amazing staff, never too busy so you always get a seat. 

Vinarkia, Italy

Vinarkia in Lucca, Italy. The best small wine bar with the most incredible free antipasti from 5pm. A glass of the Bolgheri is incredible!!


Camping Spot, Isle of Skye, Scotland

Just before the bridge to the Isle of Skye, there is secret camping spot up a tiny little single track road, you can park your car and climb over a horse sty, there is this little peninsula that looks out both directions and its possibly the most magical spot I have ever camped. 

Flock Hill, New Zealand

A shepherds hut on Flock hill in NZ - complete isolation, an outdoor bath and views for miles. No signal meant reading 3 books was a doddle. 

Loch Rannoch, Scotland

Loch Rannoch, heading down the mountain from Glen Shee we discovered Loch Rannoch and pitched up right by the water, as the sun set and we lit a fire, it was magical. We had just foraged a load of chanterelle mushrooms which we fried over the fire in our little pan with garlic and butter. The next morning it was so cold, but we did our Wim Hoff cold water breathing and went for a skinny dip feeling high, I was quite surprised to discover that wilderness was only as far as the eyes could see from camp, for when I elegantly tiptoed further out into the loch, to my left a man in a van was getting quite the morning view of…. well everything!


 Canoeing up the Whanganui river in NZ with 5 barrels of all our stuff, camping in the bush and then capsizing on the rapids on the last day, feeling so scared but also completely thrilled at the same time. 


Always have a sharp knife. (obviously not on the plane)

A good sense of humour.  

And know you can’t control the weather … EVER. 


Italy no Scotland …. no Italy…. no Scotland….. GAHHHHH ITALY.


Us wild camping on Harris in Scotland. 

On the beach at Caitlins in New Zealand looking out to the south Pole 


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